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Why Install Floating Solar

Updated: Apr 17

Solar power has been around since 1954, but the technology for installation is constantly improving. As solar panels become more popular and effective at generating clean energy, new ways of using them are also developing.

One big issue for solar panels is the amount of land required to place a solar array. Floating solar platforms reduce land usage and improve efficiency. Floating solar platforms signify a giant leap forward in the solar power world.

Intro to Floating Solar Platforms

What are floating solar platforms? They are designed to float and attached at specific angles. Floating solar platforms are placed on the water, usually in a lake, wastewater treatment plants, drinking water reservoir, or hydroelectric dam reservoirs, and anchored to stay in place. The platforms are durable and provide walkways for technicians to reach the panels for maintenance.

Our platforms are built to the highest standards, using all parts made in the U.S. They are corrosion-resistant if they are touched by saltwater.

Benefits of Installing Floating Solar Platforms

Conflicts have arisen between farmers and those wishing to install solar panels since there is a limited amount of arable land. Not to mention the cost of utilizing land-mounted solar, which is significantly higher than floating solar. Even areas such as the desert could suffer under the reign of land-mounted solar panels, which require up to 20 times more space than fossil fuel options. Floating solar arrays are an innovative solution since they allow farmlands to remain farmland while continuously producing plenty of energy.

In addition, land is expensive. Creating a solar farm is a pricy endeavor, as you’ll need to purchase large plots of land and then use it for solar only. Placing floating renewable energy on a water surface saves money and increases efficiency, as there are no trees to cast shade on.

Climate also affects land-ridden solar panels. The rising heat makes it difficult for the solar platforms to use the power they receive from the sunlight properly. The result is lower efficiency. With the cooling properties of water, it’s possible to drastically increase the amount of energy produced by floating solar photovoltaics.

Depending on the FPV or floating solar photovoltaic system, you may increase the amount of energy produced. Some solar panels utilize the sunlight reflected off the white floats by allowing the underside of the panels to absorb light, too. The reflected sunlight may be less powerful, but it still increases the energy the panels provide.

Land-based solar energy systems will often require extra maintenance. Grass and weeds may grow to shade the panels, trees can fall on them, and many other issues require routine care and work. However, when solar platforms are installed on water, there are no weeds to overgrow or nearby trees to crush the panels. Shade is usually minimal, as well, depending on the position of the array. This way, the solar system will tend to last much longer. However, not only does FPV provide low-cost, natural energy, but floating solar arrays are also eco-friendly.

Environmental Impact

In addition to increased efficiency and lower costs, floating photovoltaics protect the water from excessive algae growth. This can occur anywhere the water becomes too warm, allowing algae to thrive and even take over. The floating solar platforms cast enough shade and absorb sufficient sunlight to prevent an overabundance of algae growth.

The shade from the platform also reduces evaporation, which is a critical issue with smaller bodies of water. Because of this, floating solar platforms are frequently used in conjunction with hydroelectric dams to produce considerably more power. The dams use more water, but the solar platforms will prevent the water from evaporating.

Floating solar energy platforms use proven floating technology to help with conservation. These natural areas provide much-needed habitats for animals and flora. But this is not the only way solar panels can help preserve local land.

Every type of energy has an environmental impact, even solar. It’s essential to look at how the panels are constructed. Are they sustainable? Will they have an effect once installed? As seen above, a floating solar platform can improve the conditions in the water while improving panel efficiency.

The platforms need to be sturdy enough to allow for waves and movement on the water. In addition to this, AccuSolar has made it possible by using proven floating technology to ensure the platforms remain afloat even in a storm.

Solar panels are an incredible way to harness the power of sunshine and convert it into energy, but many people hesitate to utilize them. If there’s a possibility of using the panels on a floating platform rather than using up large tracts of land, it’s worth it! It’s possible to save real estate while providing the area with fossil fuel-free energy.


Do you want to learn more about floating solar platforms?

Contact AccuSolar for more information on this unique method of generating power.

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